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About Ticket to Work

Social Security's Ticket to Work Program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64 who want to work. The Ticket Program is free and voluntary. The Ticket Program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.


The Ticket Program is a good fit for people who want to improve their earning potential and are committed to preparing for long-term success in the workforce. This program offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to meaningful employment with the assistance of Ticket to Work employment service providers called Employment Networks. If you are ready to go to work, there are people ready and waiting to help you!


The career development services and support you need are unique to you. The Ticket Program can connect you with the right mix of free employment support services and approved service providers that best fit your needs.


The Ticket Program and other Work Incentives allow you to keep your benefits while you explore employment, receive vocational rehabilitation services and gain work experience. Your cash benefits and Medicaid or Medicare often continue throughout your transition to work, and there are protections in place to help you return to benefits, if you are unable to continue working due to your disability.​

About ADEN

The American Dream Employment Network (ADEN) is a solution-oriented administrative Employment Network (EN) model. ADEN provides technical assistance and training to employment service providers, such as the Living Independence Network Corporation, providing high quality employment services to Social Security disability beneficiaries through Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Ticket to Work program. ADEN is a division of National Disability Institute.

About LINC

Designed and operated by people with disabilities, the Living Independence Network Corporation (LINC) is a Center for Independent Living (CIL). We provide independent living services for people with disabilities. CILs are at the core of the independent living movement and work to support community living and independence for people with disabilities across the lifespan. We believe that all people can live with dignity, make their own choices, and participate fully in society. CILs provide the tools, resources, and supports for integrating people with disabilities fully into their communities to promote equal opportunities, self-determination, and respect.

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